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 Welcome to the Game Room! This is veryyyy different from The Arcade 
    because this is about games in general. 

Minesweeper I used to play this game a lot in class instead of doing my work. I was a minesweeper master. People would watch in awe as I swept those mines.

Minesweepers I like:
This one
This one
Lain Game
LSD: Dream Emulator Really cool piece of art by Osamu Sato. More of an art project than a game. Its a walking sim based on Hiroko Nishikawa's dream diary.
Calculator you take a character, and you pick up a pair of binoculars, and you spot the treasure marked by the "X", obviously. But be careful because as soon as you get the treasure, there's this snake thing. But it's okay 'cause you can pick up the ax, or the bow, or the arrow and kill it and see what you got. One criticism I have is that there's no female characters, but there's no male characters, either, so it's okay, I guess. Um, there's a couple of little glitches with certain commands, like if I try to use the arrow with the balloon. So, yeah, pretty good game. Eight out of ten. Would play again.
Quake Really fun fps. Im so good at ittttt. Some parts are really easy but then some are rlly hard and then it goes back to being easy. TF1 was a mod for quake.
Postal Controversial FPS that first came out in the 90s. It was really harshly recieved and became a big topic in concerned parents and ban video games groups. The discourse though actually helped the game get so popular and find its niche. The game has had muliple sequals (Postal 3 doesn't count), and a movie.

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