
    Her Favorite Toys:
  • Dirty Bird
  • Dirty Bird 2
  • Santa Pickle
  • Mr. Snail
  • Lambchops
  • Sock Monkey
  • Left out paper plates
  • Fifi (one of my stuffed animals. I have to hide it from her whenever shes in my room)
  • Sloth
  • My weighted stuffed dinosaurs legs
  • Not really a toy but my cat's bed she dragged halfway across the house and claimed as hers
  • Goosey
  • My cat's rat toys
  • This is gonna be a shrine for my pet dawg. I love her sm even though her breath smells like straight coochie and her toes smell like fritos. Shes my baby and she means the world to me even though shes stinky and makes me itchy. I love her big bulbous cranium, huge bulging eyes, and her strange dent.

    Photos coming soon!

    pretend this is her